Who We Are & What We Do

Mission and Vision: In 2017, our Leadership Team developed the following Mission and Vision statements to provide focus, guidance, and direction to the organization.
Mission: Carolina Aging Alliance improves the quality of life for all LGBTQ+ older adults through inclusion, advocacy, education, and positive social engagement.
Vision: Increase awareness of and participation in Carolina Aging Alliance and be the premiere resource for service providers by expanding advocacy, education, and social engagement to benefit LGBTQ+ older adults.
Our Organization's History
Originally known as the “Gay & Gray Initiative,” this program was born in the spring of 2011. In 2014, the Gay & Gray Initiative affiliated with SAGEUSA under the name SAGE Raleigh. The organization has continued to grow exponentially as new initiatives have been implemented, and membership and participation have experienced steady growth. In 2019 we changed our name to SAGE Central North Carolina, and more recently in 2022 to Carolina Aging Alliance, in recognition of our expanded geographic footprint as we expand our services to LGBTQ+ seniors.
Carolina Aging Alliance
We are a partner of SAGEUSA, the country’s largest and oldest nonprofit dedicated to improving the lives of older LGBTQ+ adults. Founded in 1978 and headquartered in New York City, with staff across the country, SAGE also coordinates a growing network of affiliates in the United States.
SAGEUSA is a national organization that offers supportive services and consumer resources to older LGBTQ+ adults and their caregivers, advocates for public policy changes that address the needs of LGBT older people. They also provide education and technical assistance for aging providers and LGBTQ+ organizations through the National Resource Center on LGBT Aging and provide cultural competence training through SAGECare.
In partnership with its constituents and allies, SAGE works to achieve a high quality of life for older LGBTQ+ adults, supports and advocates for their rights, fosters a greater understanding of aging in all communities, and promotes positive images of LGBTQ+ life in later years.
6300 Creedmoor Road, Ste 170-115
Raleigh, NC 27613
© 2022 by Carolina Aging Alliance, Inc. Proudly created with Wix.com